About Us


To produce employable skilled workforce commensurate with the needs of global labor market.


To develop Competitive Workforce, through a quality and reproductive academic environment by imparting demand driven technical education and training with a focus on personality development and contribute as active human resource of the country.

Quality Policy

We are committed to provide the highest quality of training to ensure that it will fully meet the requirements of the industry with changing trends, we strongly believe in the concept of continuous training of the faculty that they enable to produce high quality trained human resources for the economic well being of society and country.

Our Objectives
  • To provide demand driven industry specific skills in technical trades.
  • To assess the training needs in the context of domestic and global market.
  • To develop linkages with the industry for IMC, training and assessment for the quality of quality of education.
  • To organize opportunities for the continuous training of the faculty and staff of the institutes.
  • To organize and conduct seminars and workshops in order to provide the updated knowledge to the trainees in their respective fields.
  • To focus on the character building of trainees as to play vital role in the development of society.
  • To motivate the youth and trainees with desires to learn and give professional guidance based on their potential.